How do I set up an LTI Advantage tool using dynamic registration?

Note: Configuration of an external tool requires information unique to the external solution being integrated. In addition, integration with a solution from a third-party vendor may require an account with that vendor. Be sure to confirm all necessary information for an external solution before configuration.

Go to External Tools.

Select External Tools from the Tool Menu in the Administration Workspace.

View Installed Tools.

Click Installed Tools. If any external tools have been configured and made available in your instance, you'll see them listed.

Select LTI Dynamic Registration.

Enter a tool title and then click the Dynamic Registration button.

Select the Use LTI Dynamic Registration button.

Paste in the auto-configuration URL and then click Begin Configuration.

Select Continue Registration in the LMS.

Select OK or Cancel to confirm the tool title change.

Click OK to confirm the prompt asking you to review the imported dynamic registration data.

Review all of the tool settings. Note that several items will be checked automatically.

Privacy Settings:  

  • Send User Names to External Tool    
  • Send Email Addresses to External Tool


  • Allow External Tool to return grades    
  • Allow External Tool to create grade columns    
  • Provide Roster to External Tool

Indicate where these tools are placed in Sakai. (Note: You may modify the tool placement options if desired.)              

  • Allow the tool to selected from Lessons                
  • Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types                
  • Allow the tool to be used from the rich text editor                
  • Tool supports the privacy launch message (experimental)                
  • Allow the tool to provide a common cartridge (usually to be imported into a tool like Lessons)

Tool supports LTI 1.3 is selected

Click Save.

Click the Save button. You'll see the external tool listed with other external tools available in the system.